Stacey Mathewson
Executive Producer

Stacie Mathewson has been an active member of the communities of Reno, Nevada, Palm Desert and Del Mar, California for more than a decade. She is the founder of The Stacie Mathewson Foundation, and her work is focused on youth recovery programs. She was raised in Anchorage, Alaska, and still has family that lives there. Her younger sister, Vickie, worked on a horse ranch during the Alaskan summers and Stacie would spend time visiting her there, riding and feeding the horses.
Stacie lives for her family, and loves spending time with them every spare moment she gets. She looks forward to taking her granddaughter, Brooke, riding when she is a little older and sharing her love for horses with her.
Stacie is a strong believer in showing respect and appreciation to the wild horses for their important role in American history of building this country.