Tara Tucker

Tara is inspired every day to be working with the medium that in her mind bridges all mediums of art upon one canvas. She studied fine art and graphic design in her undergraduate studies and went on to work as a creative assistant at Twentieth Century Fox from 2008 - 2010 getting her hands wet on some of the companies major projects including GLEE, THE SIMPSONS and AVATAR.
Tara made the real commitment to be behind the camera in 2010 when she went on to pursue her MFA at the American Film Institute in order to devote herself to creative producing. She has recently produced two short films, FIRST IN FLIGHT and WILD HORSES that will hit the 2013 film festival circuit. Tara has a passion and true love for story and believes it to be a truly powerful and effective medium to communicate to the entire world, which is why she was attracted to WILD HORSES. A horse-lover herself, she is energized to work on a film that has purpose and the potential to send people to action.